The beautiful Bavarian City Würzburg is my Hometown and I truly love this City. Würzburg has about 124.000 citizens and I like that it is not a super big and busy city. This city has a long history and has a lot of charm. Now I want to show you the best Things to Do in Würzburg to make your trip unforgettable!

5 Things To Do in Würzburg

1 Go for a walk in the Court Garden of the Residence Castle


No matter what time of the year you come to Würzburg, the beautiful Garden behind the UNESCO World Heritage Site Residence Castle is always the perfect spot to breath some fresh air and enjoy the beauty of nature. The Residence Castle is one of the well known Baroque Castles in Europe and was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site more than 30 years ago. It was built between 1720 and 1744 by Balthasar Neumann and partly destroyed in the second world war. 

We love to walk around in the beautiful garden, sit at the fountain and enjoy the beauty of the world!

2 Drink a wine at the Old Main Bridge


Würzburg has a lot of vineyards and is known for good vine. The famous old Main Bridge “Alte Mainbrücke” is a beautiful stone bridge and was built between 1473 and 1543. The view from this bridge is just amazing, you see the Fortress Marienberg with the vineyards underneath and the  pilgrimage church called “Käppele”. This pedestrian bridge is the best place to drink a tasty wine while enjoying the atmosphere.

3 Hike to the Fortress Marienberg


After crossing the Old Main Bridge, you will find several signs which lead you the way to the fortress Marienberg! There are quite a few steps, but the hike is totally worth it! The view is amazing. I could spend hours there looking down to the city and watching the people walking around. It looks so unreal!

Don’t forget to count the churches!

4 Enjoy the vineyard scenery


Almost everywhere in Würzburg you will have a great view of the vineyards! We really like the scenery in summer and the beginning of fall. 

My family has vineyards too, so just let me know if you want to help with the harvest one day 🙂

5 Eat a Bratwurst on the Market Square at the Knüpfing Food Stand


One thing only locals know, is that the bratwurst at the little food stand in the market square is amazing. For me this is a must-do when I am in my hometown Würzburg! This little stand has been there forever and the reason is pretty simple: The bratwurst in bread tasts very delicious!

Have fun in my hometown and let me know how you liked the list of things to do in Würzburg!

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